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More photos can be found here.
The Knights have paid for the total cost of the March for Life Bus. For questions and for phone number to register please see the flyer (click on image to enlarge).
Join us for the Michigan March for Life on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 – the 1st Anniversary of the passing of Proposal 3.
Travel by Cardinal Tour Busses, LLC. (Cost: $20. Seating is limited, register early). Arrive at the Meijer parking lot by 8:45 a.m. Park in the Southwest area. Busses will leave at 9 a.m. sharp. Bring a sack lunch. See the flyer below for more details.
For information on speakers see this page (RLM’s main event page for the march).
Video description: This is not just a presentation for Christian schools. Public schools need to have this option for their biology classes. How can I expect to be invited by a public school?
Posted: Aug 11, 2023
The Winners of the Precious Baby Contest are:
1. Bella Mallow , daughter of Caleb & Katie Mallow
2. Theo Talbot, son of Josh & Lauren Talbot
3. Declan Drennan, son of Joe & Ashley Brennan
Congratulations to all!!!!!! You all are precious!!!!
Is there a special baby in your family age 36 months or younger? Enter a photo of that baby in the Precious Baby Contest sponsored by Branch County Right to Life. See the flyer for more information. Deadline is August 4, 2023.
original date: Tuesday, May 16, 2023
source: Michigan Catholic Conference (link)
contact: Dave Maluchnik (Vice President, Communications)
“Lawmakers must decide if they stand with a majority of voters who support reasonable guardrails such as parental rights, informed consent, and health and sanitation standards for abortion facilities,” said Rebecca Mastee, J.D., policy advocate for MCC. “Even pro-choice voters and those who supported Proposal 3 last November have made clear that legislative protections for parents, women and children should remain in place.”
(subscribers only)
This poll in the news:
Note: Data is from Marketing Resource Group’s spring 2023 poll, which was conducted March 13–17 of this year and yielded 599 responses from Michigan voters with a margin of error of 4%. Three-quarters of the responses came from cell phones.
Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.